I love watching my children be creative and artistic
I love when they choose to read books or draw a picture w/out any prompting from me
I love that when Madeline was "playing" her little pink wooden violin, she kept saying, "How 'bout..." while she was trying to think of what to play next.
I love that William told me sternly this morning, that he was "Don Smiff" (as in, Capt. John Smith)
I love the spontaneity of homeschooling....like Samuel deciding to do an art project, cut it out, and decided to mail it to Auntie Krista. I told him to go and get an envelope. When I got out of the shower, he had it stamped in the right hand corner (on the backside) and was sounding out Krista's name and writing it down in big, uneven letters. (that one's phonetic!) Then he sounded out Chicago, and wrote that down too. "Shcago" (I had to explain that Chicago "breaks the rules")
I love that there's cool inventions like sonograms! Because tomorrow I get to have one, and hopefully find out whether we're going to have a girl or a boy!
I like the weekdays, b/c it makes me LOVE the weekends. [We get Justin to ourselves for 48 hrs!]
I like playing in an orchestra and I love listening to great music!
I love naptime...because I need them, most days.
I love that my hubby works so hard, so I can stay home and tend to my little flock.
I like home-grown eggs and Trader Joe's yogurt.
I love herbal tea, w/ honey, and cream
I like picking out baby names...esp w/ the kids. We get ideas like, Thaddeus, Edmund (but, I was informed, there were too many Edmunds around--that's G-pa Max's middle name), Stinkpot Goff, and plenty of other goofy names. And the most classic of all, from my 2 year old, "Bebe" That's what he/she will be till Feb when the name gets announced. ;)
I love hearing my children recite Psalm 34...with various style's.
I love to hear my children sing songs
I love all the memories we're making together...I don't want to forget it! I know time is flying!
I like quiet evenings and a good book or good conversation.
I love it when all my children are alseep and I can watch them sleep and thank the Lord for these 3 sweet gifts!
I'm thankful that the Lord's strength and wisdom is sufficient!