Their new sibling due at the beginning of February!
Yes, we're excited! My "baby" is almost 2, and she's not a baby anymore. In a lot of ways, life has gotten a whole lot easier now that these 3 are a bit older--it was a little crazy there for a while! I'm curious how this transition will go, since my youngest will be 2 1/2--I'm guessing a bit easier, but who knows?! I'm happy Justin will be off work when the baby he can be in charge of pre-school and kiddie entertainment. (I haven't showed him the lesson plans, yet, though :)
PTL I have felt well, for the most part. There have been a few "yucky" days. I'm SOooo thankful it's been better this time 'round. It's funny how I don't realize how much I actually do around here, until it doesn't get done. (ie--I'm sick:)
My theme for this pregnancy is "Thankfulness" (thus, no complaining--or at least, minimal:) In my last pregnancies, I think I was shocked into this whole motherhood business. Wow, it's definitely a whole body experience and there are definitely lots of opportunites to complain. While I don't think you have to be un-realistic, or not answer honestly when someone asks how you're doing, I'm finding out that motherhood is a great privilege and I should be concentrating more on what I'm thankful for, rather than how I "feel." So my purpose, is to thank the Lord when I'm feeling great and when I'm not feeling so great, when I have energy AND when I have none. I suppose that why the Psalms talk about the "sacrifice of praise"--it really is a sacrifice when praise is the last thing on the brain. I've decided when I feel like complaining, I should, rather, thank the Lord for "suffering" and pray for this new little one. It's really a simple thing, but hard for me to do. I do forget that there's lots of Mom's who would love to have 1 baby, or have 1 w/out complications or extreme all-day sickness, or would like more, but husband doesn't want more.
We are hoping to find out whether it's a boy or a girl. It seems like the votes vary. One day all of us think it's a boy, then, like last night, everyone was thinking girl. It's hard for me to comprehend another Goff baby--one unlike Samuel, William, or Madeline. One w/ strengths and weaknesses, talents yet uncovered, his/her own personality, and yet, a baby that the Lord knows and is fashioning. Yes, exciting stuff. You can cast your votes on boy or girl. The baby is due right around my birthday, so we'll see. Also, any traditional name ideas are welcomed. That will probably be in the discussions here soon. :)
Wow, 4 sounds like a big transition--seems like way more than 3. :) Didn't I just have Samuel?? Well, we'll be shopping for a bigger vehicle. We've squeezed the 3 carseats in...can't squeeze anymore in. I'm sure Dave Ramsey would be proud. Ha! Now off to look for used, low-mileage surburbans--I'll let you know how that search goes. :)
Well, so there's some newsy news, of well as my afternoon ramblings about babies. I should probably be taking a nap, but, it's getting too late.
Have a great week, ya'll!
Hey congrats sis :)
Congrats!!! So happy for you and your family.
Yeah!!! So exited for you guys. Hope it all goes well!!
Yeah, Hooray!!! We can't wait to hold our sweet new blessing from God.
Mom and Dad Miller
Congratulations Meghan! I'm off line most of the time now, but yesterday I suddenly felt that I would visit with you and check to see if you were expecting again. I searched and searched and then went about my day. Today, I thought I would take the time to catch up on some of those posts I missed and tadah...this post was the first thing I saw!!! My Mary and your William are days apart.
Megan...Your post almost made me wish I was pregnant again! I am happy for you all. I'm no good w/ traditional names really...but I will say up front that my boy name for my next child (birthed or adopted) is Silas! :) I hope you have a girl so Madaline can have tea parties w/ her sister instead of only her brothers! ;)
Congratulations. How exciting!!!
Congratulations!!! I bet,that Madaline would love a sister:) I really like the name Virginia Hope!!! So happy for you all...God bless your family!
Congratulations! Very happy for you all~
Conratulations! I had gone to the Miller blog page first this morning because it is the first one I come to, then Krista, then you. But when I read what was under the picture it took me a minute to realize what it was saying. So I had to come right to your blog to make sure I understood what I was reading! I had wondered a few times when you were going to have another one since your other ones are so close. I am glad that you are feeling better with this pregnancy, that always helps especially when you have 3 other little ones! :) We serve an awesome God that has equipped our bodies to experience this wonderful miracle of life. You will be in my prayers!
Connie in VA :)
Congratulations! That is exciting news. Maybe you'll have another girl so the boy/girl ratio will be even. =) I hope the pregnancy goes well for you.
P.S. You might like to check out this site, my mom loves that site! =)
Congratulations Megan and Justin and family!! What a wonderful blessing it is to receive a little one from the Lord. We are also expecting, number 9 here, and I am due 2 weeks before you.
When is Krista due?
Hey, I didn't think about Justin being around. That will be great! You're going to love having a winter baby, it's such a nice time of year to snuggle up with a little bundle!
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