Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Madeline's B-day...

She went out for breakfast w/ Daddy...then Nana brought over doughnuts.

She took a few bites and then set it on the step. I told her to sit back down b/c I wanted to get some pictures, and she accidentally sat on her doughnut and squashed it. :)

We went on a trip as a family to a place called Moonshine...the population: 2.

It's a Ma and Pop restaurant out in the middle of nowhere. There's good burgers and pop in glass bottles. The place was packed!

The kids were more interested in the pop, than the burgers. The burgers were bigger than Justin remembered...he ordered 6 and we (me and him) ate most of them. :)

Madeline enjoying her grape pop...

Sunday, after church, we celebrated Mom and Madeline's b-days. I was surprised how "into" her b-day Madeline was...I suppose b/c of watching the boys.

Opening presents...

New undies= new adventure (is it possible that all 3 of mine will be out of diapers?? Hallelujah at the thought!)

Nana and her present the kids and I made her. The kids were very excited!
Mama, Daddy and Madeline...


Test said...

Love the last picture and the boots of the person laying on the ground ;-) makes me laugh out loud!


Connie Leis said...

Cute, cute, cute pictures! She is growing up so fast! Good thing you have another baby on the way huh? And doesn't your mom know that she is suppose to start looking older instead of younger? She did just have a birthday! ;)Thanks for sharing your pictures and your thoughts on your blog! I enjoy reading them so much they always seem to brighten my day. Yours, Krita's and 'The Millers' too!
Connie in VA

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday, Madeline!!