Friday, August 5, 2011

Happiest of my 4 year old, William...

So before Madeline's Birthday pictures, I'd better get William's pictures up. Here's our big 4 Year Old... His favorite things (as of 9:56 on August 5th): knights, dragons, dinosaurs, pirates, pizza, Rural King, and his friend, Karsten.
He has quite the personality. He's definitely stretched me in many ways. He's lots different from my other children, but I'm thankful for that. Justin and I are curious how God will use him. William has already taught us a lot. God uses him to say the most profound things to us.

There's never a dull moment with William! He definitely keeps me on my toes. That was true when he was 2 and is still true! He does the unexpected and unthinkable. He's not afraid of snakes. He can be daring, but he can also be fearful. Like being scared of the dark or fearful of swimming. (even though he did swim the whole width of the pool recently!) He laughes the hardest, smiles the biggest, and screams the loudest. I'm confident the Lord will use his passion in a positive way in the future. Right now, we're just trying to channel it. Isn't it amazing how sometimes our perceived weaknesses end up becoming our strengths? Or at least, a channel of blessing.

This week has been wonderful. Justin, Benjamin and I have had William all to ourselves! What a treat! We were laying in his bed snuggling with him, when he told us about his dream the night before. He said, "In my dream...Daddy, you and Satan were fighting. [Us: our ears perked up. "Oh really?"] Yes...but Satan didn't win. You won,Daddy...because Jesus was with you." And, from there, the conversation resumed it's normal 4 year old musings...
This was very interesting to us, since we've felt the warfare heating up and felt like we have been fighting spiritual battles more than ever. It was nice to be reminded that we're on the victory side...and that Jesus is helping us fight and win!

William has an amazing tenderness and compassion for weaker things: animals, babies, the sick, and the persecuted...

I'm so thankful that God has given us 4 wonderful years with William! He's definitely the firecracker of our family! Love you, buddy!

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