Here I am a few weeks later, typing down a few things to remember about Miss Madeline. :) Let's see...Madeline likes all-things-girly! It's very important to her that she plays with girl-stuff. She likes Strawberry ShortCake dolls and baby dolls. I enjoy watching and listening to her play "Mommy"
Madeline is quite petite...but on most days, eats more than the boys. That's so funny to me! She loves to help me around the house, with Benjamin, and in the garden. She and the boys have loved to go out the blackberry bushes and eat "snacks"
People stop me and ask me if I curl her hair. I laugh inside to myself and wonder how in the world I would have time to do that every day. Her curls come from Justin...I like them. I actually look at her hair and think..."How nice to just be able to whip it up in a high curly pony & have curly wispy's...and it look adorable." Most days we don't even brush it. :)
Madeline took swimming lessons this summer. She was quite the little swimmer. She's my little energizer bunny. :) She also ran in our town's 1 mile fun-run and ran the whole way. My Mom said she was huffing and puffing, but didn't quit till she crossed the finish line. :)
We took these pictures early, early in the morning (before 7 am) before all the boys were up. She like to wake up early and either snuggle in bed with me, or read on the couch while I have devotions. :)
I will say that Madeline is very feminine...but she definitly can hold her own with the boys! I'm praying that she'll have a meek and quiet spirit. Both she and her mommy are working on that. :)
My pregnancy with Madeline was my hardest...but she was so worth it! I honestly can't believe she's 3 already! I'm praying for grace as we raise her to be a daughter of the King. I'm so thankful for my girly girl. :)
What darling pictures...She looks so cute :)
Are you starting homeschooling this year?
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