Friday, March 12, 2010

Guess what arrived at the post office this morning?

Mr. Post Office Man giving out treats...

And, presenting the package of chirping chicks!

William was having a hard time not touching...

It's a nice feeling to have new babies in the house. :)

All 25 were alive and well...cheeping and trying to fly out of the box

The professional "chicken lady" rushed over to assist us...

The babies new basement! I cannot believe I have farm animals in my house!


Liv said...

I was just telling my grandpa how I missed him getting baby chicks. Countless hours I would spend holding, petting, and just watching his new batches of chicks.

Micah said...

Just curious what u r going to do w/ them? U r a brave women!

Namaw Kak said...

We raised chickens every year while we were growing up. Around 125 of them. Some for eggs and some for meat. Nothing cuter than baby chicks.

I'm sure the kids will enjoy them.

BH said...

I bet that was quite the adventure for the post master too. Live chicks in the mail. I bet he doesn't see that every day. :-)

countrygirl said...

We bought some baby chicks last year!! What fun!