Sunday, September 16, 2012

Encourage Yourself!

Moms & Future Moms: there are two GREAT articles in this magazine that are EXCELLENT! (the whole magazine is so well done...and I'm sure there are other great articles in it as well...just haven't read the others yet)
The titles are:
1.Mamahood: Commanding My Soul to Rejoice (yes, yes, yes...I kept saying to myself while reading! so true!)
2. Tensile Strength Training: Letting Your Chilren Make You Strong (ah...future moms...definitely a must-read--)
Thank you to Leslie Ludy!! I SO appreciate her perspective...because it' so easy to just slide into a bad attitude or focus only on the negatives...especially during trials. But it's the "head knowlege" becoming "heart knowlege", eh? Enjoy!

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