Saturday, October 20, 2012

Of Utmost Concern

The following quote is from Volume 1 of the No Greater Joy books, written by Michael Pearl.  His thoughts express one of the main desires of my(our) heart too.

"The success of a tree or a man is measured by the fruit that is borne.  The fruit of a man or woman is their children; everything else is falling leaves. 

Let me die poor; let me die early; let me be ravaged by disease; but let my children rise up and call me blessed.  Let me not measure my giving by the dollars I spend on them or the educational opportunities that my station in life affords them, but rather, by the hours we spend in fellowship.

May they graduate from my tutelage to become disciples of the Man from Nazareth.  May they know good and evil from the pinnacle of obedience rather than from the pit of despair.  May they have the wisdom to choose the precious, and the courage to reject the trite and the vain.  May they always labor for the meat that endures.

May they be lovers of God, coworkers with the Holy Spirit, and a friend to the Lord Jesus.  And when their trail ends, may it end at the throne of God, laying crowns at the Savior's feet."

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Love this! Thanks for sharing your heart!