Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Reflections on the past amazing week & weekend....

This past weekend, my family and a host of willing volunteers put on the Annual Father/Son Camp.www.fathersoncamp.org  What a blessing to be a teeny part of such an amazing event.  There were between 500-600 fathers and sons who came to make memories, start friendships, enjoy fellowship, worship together, and listen to great ministry.  Wow!! Seriously, it's a little taste of heaven when 600 people are singing praises and worship to God...it makes me long for heaven!  I'm SO thankful to be able to give my sons and daughter a glimpse of eternity here on old planet earth!    I'm amazed every year when believers around the USA travel to little old OakTown to serve at Father/Son Camp. 
I was so disappointed that there was such VERY little participation from the local communities.  Where are the pastors, elders, and local fathers and sons??  I cannot figure out why!  All I can say, is "Wow, those individuals missed out!"  I am sad for all the "church people" who didn't buy up the opportunity.  I hope & pray they make it a priority next year!  They will truly receive a blessing!   
The ministry this weekend was excellent.  It wasn't "how-to-be-a-better-Christian" type preaching.  It was powerful live-out-the-power-of-The-Gospel--a call to WORSHIP, every day in every thing!  It was Christianity 101...but sadly, most of us don't hear teaching like this and live more like the world, than like Jesus.  It wasn't about standards, have more devotional time, etc...it was about WORSHIP!!!!  The preaching exhorted us believers to repent by turning TO JESUS!  Believe!  It's about FAITH!!  BELIEVING GOD, AT HIS WORD!  It was such good stuff, folks!  I'm not a super-passionate person, necessarily, but the few sessions that I got to sneak in on rejoiced my soul and definitely had the power to revolutionize people's lives...mine included!  I will try to post a few snippets here and there of the points that stood out to me... 
My main "take-away" from the ministry that I heard over this past weekend:

 Instead of **reacting** to the storms/mini-crisis of life, USE the power of The Gospel to respond in WORSHIP to every blessing, "storm", relational issue, & circumstance that comes my way.
What a revolutionary way to live every day! This *should* be the "norm" for all believers in Jesus Christ...but often, I/we react just the way the rest of the world reacts to trials/hardship/illness/"storms": anger, distress, anxiety, hopelessness..

...Purposing to live on the "Victory Side" as my dad would say. 

-A "Thank You, Jesus" outlook & attitude in ALL things...

 -Guess What?? If I go to HIM in worship & praise, *every* time I don't get my way, the kids do NOT do what I want, I feel sick AGAIN, another household problem/health problem$$$$, homeschool day was particularly crazy..etc...I'll be worshipping Jesus all day long!

 -Learning to live out The Gospel will have a powerful impact in our marriages, homes, children, communities, country & world.

 Happy Tuesday! Worship HIM!!  DRAW NEAR & HOLD FAST!!
Job 1--check out Job's response to trials!
The Book of Hebrews


Liv said...

I love when God makes things go together unexpectedly....I just caught part of a teaching on worship this morning by David Jeremiah on the radio. Thanks for sharing. and fyi, as beautiful as your new font is, it is a little tricky to read!

Carla said...

Needed this today!! Thank you!
I have been digging myself a hole of self pity when I need to be praising Jesus. Amen.
Many Blessings
Carla :)