Wednesday, August 19, 2009

...from the mouth of a babe...

Before Isaac, Eva, and my kids could go outside to play, I told them to clean up the living room. Eva exclaimed from the other room, "How's come your house is always a wreck anyways???!!!" I laughed from the other room, saying and thinking, "Well, said, Eva! Not sure, exactly. Maybe from having 3 kids under 4. :)" Something about the innocence and curiousness in which that comment was spoken, struck me funny.

Oh the inconveniences of being close in age to nephews and nieces. I just figured, even though most of the mess wasn't theirs, "Many Hands Make Light Work"
**I'm still working on getting b-day photos up. Just had to post that while I was thinking of it...before I forgot. :) I've been distracted today w/ re-arranging my bedroom, organizing things, listening to a Michael Pearl DVD while folding laundry, a new novel, and some very interesting research on health (see sidebar, for my favorite links)...anyhoo...gotta go inspect the job they did on the living room, start supper, and go rescue my bedroom...I can hear William in there getting into my jewelry...gotta run!**

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