Friday, November 20, 2009

Monday Therapy

I find that writing things down is therapy for me. This was written several days ago, and I debated about whether or not to post it...but I'm gonna. So here was my encouragement to myself. :) It's rather dis-jointed, but oh, well. I don't have time to write an's some scattered thoughts...

It's amazing how a few hours away from home, makes me miss it so much! If I'm out, I love coming home! Today I started my day w/ a new perspective of who I am. I am not "just a wife and a mom" Rather, my career and professional position is "Wife and Mother"--that's a much more positive twist. It seriously kept me enthusiastic about my "job" all day long! :) (hee) Lots of people invest lots of their time and energy into their career. I have chosen to make my investment is in my husband and my children. They are where my time and energy (and $$$) is focused. I truly believe I was created for this work. It is THE most fulfilling job I could ever ask for! It's not that I never do other things--we don't stop being a daughter, sister, friend, wife...once we become a mother--but being a wife and a mom comes 1st. Contrary to what modern culture tells us, being a wife, mom, and "domestic engineer" is noble work, actually it's more than that, it's an eternal work! And, I might add, that's it's full-time work! This job of mine, profession, rather, is the hardest one I've ever had. And, I've done my fair share of what I deem, "hard work" :) All other jobs I've had, had an end. Motherhood has no end. My "job" isn't over at 5 p.m., or when the sun goes down...I'm on call 24/7!

I've had 3 excellent examples of Professional Mothers in my life. They came in the form of my own Mom, and my 2 Grandmas. When I think of successful women, they pop into my mind first. (there are others, of course) They are successful in my book, because they are godly women who chose each day to put others ahead of themselves. They have lived out the scripture that says, "But whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister; and whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all." (Mark 10:43-44) It's an unnatural and uncommon way to live: to be great, be a servant/ die to SELF in order to truly live. I believe that the women (and men) who have chosen to live in this way, possess great strength and the key to a blessed life. Selflessness takes great sacrifice, but it is the pathway to peace and joy. All done for Jesus, that is.

My Mom sometimes laments that she doesn't have any talent or hobbies. Well, I will say, I believe she just doesn't see her greatest talents. She is a wonderful nurturer, organizer :), and teacher. Maybe she will see it in time, but maybe not. I believe all of us kids were all better off for not having a Mom with lots of hobbies and outside interests. I'll have to remind her that WE were her hobby and her interest. :) She was there for us 100%, and still is, though in a different way. Her position is changing perhaps, from being "the nurturer" to being "the prayer warrior" :) Each equally important!

I was pondering how motherhood carries such a dichotomy! On the one hand, it's the hardest job I've ever had, but yet it is the most rewarding one I've ever had. It's the most painful thing I've ever experienced (in many ways), but yet, I'm willing to subject myself to the pain, because I know the fruits of reward there are. There is less and less time for Self, but that's a good thing! I've never known such depths of love, fear, protection, and pain, but somehow there's that desire to know those depths. Motherhood brings out the best and the worst. I've never experienced such excruciating sleep deprivation until I had a 2 year old, an infant who wasn't sleeping through the night, and was pregnant w/ horrible insomnia. (**sidenote: whew! but I did actually live to tell the story! I've never heard of anyone dying from sleep deprivation, although I sometimes wondered it I would. Lack of sleep is a VERY real thing when you're the one going through it!**)After becoming a mom, there's some kind of mechanism that causes you to forget the pain of labor and delivery (oh, and sleep deprivation)---how is that? I don't think I'll ever grow out of the desire for pregancy and's a subject of interest that I don't think will dissipate, since experiencing both of those joys. Motherhood is a refining fire, a perspective change, and a tool used by God to raise up more saints.

It's so easy to get bogged down in the daily grind, and not see the forest for the trees. In about 20-25 years, my kids will be grown-ups like me, and although I'll still be their mother, I'll also be their sister-in -Christ...Lord willing, for all eternity. Oh, to have the perspective that these babies of mine will be adults furthuring God's Kingdom. The thought of being a Mother, by Profession has added a bit of sparkle to this otherwise, very grey November Monday. The promise in Prov. 22:6 has such hope and such responsibility..."Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Today I'm spurred on to train my children in God's ways and to view my work as a high and holy calling, as long as it's done unto the Lord. So, there, I've written down some of my scattered thoughts. I need to come back to this when I'm having what I call, "A Crazy Day!" This is an encouragement to myself, and a documentation that I do have some time to think....some days. :)


Elizabeth Sue said...

Okay, I just want to say I am very encouraged by your post. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had planned on putting her in daycare and going back to my "life calling" of being a nurse. Not too long after that beautiful little girl was placed in my arms, God did a work in my heart big time! I prayed and asked my husband could I please stay home! He is wonderful and said he thought it would be a great idea that I be a full time wife and mom. I get asked a lot, I mean a whole lot, why I would give up a job in nursing. A profession that pays well and carrys so much prestige, to stay home. I get asked why I don't go back to school and become a nurse practioner. It seems to me like these folks that ask me this are really focused on money or things of this world. But I am focued on what is eternal and I don't apologize for that. I don't regret my choice and I love too being a wife and mom. Sorry for the lengthly post but, I completely agree and am encouraged by your kind words about your Mom and Grandmoms. Great post!

Allyson said...

I read to my mom the part of your mom saying she didn't have any talents or hobbies. My mom started to cry. Also, just the other day someone mentioned the same thing about not having any talents. I just want you to know I really enjoy reading your blog. It has been such an encouragement.

Vanderpolclan said...

THat was beautiful Megan. Thanks for posting. As to your Mom's talents, I am always so impressed when you ladies put on a get-together. Everything is so beautiful. Something she has passed on to you, no doubt. It is wonderful to hear a young mom enjoying her little ones and desiring more little ones. I often hear Christian mom's say, no more right now, I'm too busy, or other such comments. We have had all our children close together and LOVE it. Yes, it is busy, but as they get older there are many blessings. Your life if very busy now with all the little ones, and I know you enjoy it. Keep it up.


Christine said...

Such a lovely post, Megan! I remember when I too thought I would die of sleep deprivation years ago!! I became a Christian during my senior year of life at home with children was not "on my radar" at all. Here I am still home with them, schooling them now, 14 years later - and there is no place I'd rather be! So thankful that the LORD uses motherhood in such a powerful way in our lives to make us more like His Son.
Sincerely, Christine Decker

The Royal Garcias said...

Thank you for this encouraging post Megan! I have such a desire to make these roles as wife and mom my profession, but it is so easy to be discouraged by so much I see around me every day. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It blessed me today!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


You are so right!

I have been a wife for almost 22 years and a mother for 20 years and have 6 children, the youngest is 4.
I have been refined by this work that God has given me to is hard work, but the best, most valuable work that I will ever do.

On another note, my 4 daughters and I love your family's dvd from Franklin Springs...I got it for Christmas but have seen it several times...just found your family's blog yesterday and what a blessing to see what you are all up to now!

It is a blessing to see other families wanting to honor the Lord, I love what your parents had to say in the movie.

Have a happy new year!