When ya have a triple chin...use the crop button... My sister popped by on her way home and we had to snap a few pictures pre-babies. I have wet hair and no make-up...but hey, we got the pictures. :) (Thanks to Samuel)
George and Krista went away for a few days, so Grace was down at my parents' being thoroughly entertained. Unfortunately, the kids and I came down w/ a flu bug, so we didn't get to hang out w/ Grace. :(
Well, I have 2 weeks and Krista has 4 weeks + or -...who knows!?!
I've definitely reached the end-of-pregnancy look...puffy face, and all! :) And, yep, I think I win the bigness contest. :) I thought I'd be able to do the 25 lb weight gain...but...it's lookin' more like 35. :) That must be my "normal"...I will be saying "Hello treadmill" asap! (and I did find some links for exercise workouts online...I did one today...it was great! Ever seen a pregnant lady kickboxing? haahaha!)
Finally documented: 38 weeks...and feeling GREAT!
Mommy and Madeline...
I still feel comfortably pregnant (mostly)...and am thinking it'll be a few more weeks. This time around has been great...comparable to my 2nd pregnancy. I've felt very good, overall, thankfully! I don't want to take new life for granted...or uncomplicated pregnancies...either!
My pregnancies have had no pattern for delivering, so we'll see what this lil' guy decides to do. I'm hoping we can get good and healthy before he comes! The up-every-2-hr-thing takes it's toll w/ being sick...I'm not wanting to practice wakefulness, till I really have to. :) I gave the kids a pep talk last night, and I think it worked! Everyone slept soundly all night!
that is so neat!!! I think you both look beautiful:) My sister and I are pregnant together too, but we are 6 weeks apart and are both having girls!!!!
Your bellies are very cute! :) Skinny arms and legs... you both look like all baby!
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